The house is quiet as we all settle in for a night of rest — each kiddo all freshly bathed and cozy with their favorite stuffy and blanket. I grab my DiGize oil off my nightstand and rub it on my abdomen after a night out with some ladies (wishing I hadn’t eaten those fries from a shared fryer — oops).
Andrew and I sit down and decompress each of our days — his at work and mine at home with the kids. Just before crawling into our bed for the night, I grab my Super C™ out of my supplement drawer for a little immune system boost. Sleep quickly came after my full day of being a homemaker and mom. It seemed as though I’d just fallen asleep when I was jolted awake to a cough. Did I hear that right? **cough cough** Which kid was that? As I was coming out of the haze of sleep, I notice my digestive system seems much more settled down — hallelujah.
I rose from bed and grabbed our Thieves Chest Rub and went to check on the coughing kiddo. Inside I knew who it was already (our son has always been more susceptible to respiratory challenges). I walked into his room where his Feather the Owl diffuser gently gives a soft light. As my eyes adjust, there was more coughing as my suspicion was confirmed. He is already sitting up and upon seeing me enter the room, lifts his pajama shirt and points to his chest (his way of asking for the chest rub). I apply it gently onto his chest and sit next to him to monitor his breathing.
This time we’re in the clear and he lays back down, quickly falling back asleep. I lay down, still only half awake as my inner mom kicks in to ensure the coughing subsides. Morning is just around the corner and I jolt awake — how did I fall asleep?! I sneak to his bedroom and find him still fast asleep clutching his favorite stuffy, a hedgehog. No coughs! Relieved, I crawl back into bed and succumb to the last bit of sleep.
The next morning, he comes shuffling out of his room as if nothing happened — still clutching his hedgehog and wrapped in his blanket. We sit down on the couch and I ask him if he remembers me coming into his room. “Yes, but I’m better now,” he says.
As I begin breakfast, I notice I’m feeling more myself again and not so bogged down from the food the night before. Grateful, I pull open my supplement drawer again and pull out the Super C for me. After a poor night of sleep, my body will much appreciate extra support to the immune system. The kids come running up to the drawer as I grab the Super C chewable tablets out for them — I’m not playing around after the coughing bout we had.
Hi friend! Thanks for reading my short story above. This is not a fictitious story to pull you in; it was a true night in our household. You’ll notice I shared about three of my favorite used Young Living products. In the link below, I have included little snippets about each individually as well as a quick link directly to the website where you can learn more and shop. Remember to use your desk reference to glean even more information.
Check out this link to learn more about Reisa's Favorites!