Kickstart your day by diffusing essential oils like Peppermint, Lemon, or Citrus Fresh™ to elevate alertness and mood. Transition your shower into a spa-like escape with Eucalyptus Radiata, Peppermint, or Grapefruit to energize and refresh. For those needing a caffeine-free energy boost, a blend of Peppermint and Orange or the En-R-Gee™ Blend can naturally enhance alertness and stamina.
Enhance your wellness routine with Young Living’s Vitality™ oils, supporting hydration and digestion, or indulge in a mindful moment with grounding oils like Frankincense and Lavender. These simple practices using Young Living Essential Oils will not only help you stay balanced and focused but also infuse your morning with serenity and motivation. Share the benefits by introducing these oils to friends and family who may also need that extra morning lift!
Check out then latest updates to our website Grace & Grit Co here!
This summer I moved. I sold my large homestead where I had lived for 38 years. After my husband died three years ago, I became aware that I no longer could maintain the large property all on my own. On short notice an opportunity for me to move into a much smaller apartment in a senior community became available. I had to prepare to sell my home and downsize in a major way.
It was a gigantic task and I am so grateful for help I received from friends, family and neighbors. But the reality is there was a. lot of stress associated with the move. Many long hours of hard work that my body was not used to doing.
Here are some ways I found to cope with the aches and pains and stresses of moving: